What's it really like to live and study at Sweden's most international university? On our International Podcast, you’ll hear from current students, alumni, teachers, and many more special guests. We discuss our listeners' top priorities and interests, covering topics from application and arrival to student life and the city of Lund itself. 
NEW: Lund University International Podcast - The Regional Series
Dive into our brand-new series, where every episode focuses on a different region of the world! We invite current international students to speak about their experience of life and studies in Lund, as they offer specific advice to prospective students from their home countries.
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The Lund University International Podcast is produced by the Division of External Relations at Lund University. For more information, including how to get in touch, click 'About' in the navigation bar above.

Latest Episodes

Achieving the dream IKEA job: Julia Schnittger

As one of Sweden's most globally recognised brands, IKEA is an attractive employer for international students planning their career path after studying in Sweden and a...

Building intercultural skills with EUGLOH

One of the often-discussed benefits of living, studying or working in an international environment is the development of 'intercultural competence'. But what is interc...

Studying Swedish at Lund University

Sweden - and Lund in particular - has a very high rate of English proficiency, making it easy for international students to get by during their studies without speakin...

The ARUA scholarship journey

While prospective students have several scholarship options to help support their studies at Lund University, one of the newest of our offerings is the African Researc...

'Spex' student theatre: An eccentric Lund tradition

Dating back to 1886, the 'spex' is an eccentric tradition of humorous, farcical theatre that is written, produced, and performed by Lund University students. Although ...

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